Wall Street Journal best-selling author Fred Minnick wrote the award-winning Whiskey Women: The Untold Story of How Women Saved Bourbon, Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Minnick writes about whiskey for Covey Rise, Whisky Advocate, and Whisky magazine. He is the “bourbon authority” for the Kentucky Derby Museum and regularly appears in the mainstream media, including CBS This Morning, Esquire, Forbes, and NPR.
Bourbon Curious groups bourbon into four main flavor profiles–grain, nutmeg, caramel, and cinnamon. While many bourbons boast all four flavor notes, one delicious sensation typically overpowers the rest. This book reveals more than fifty bourbon brands’ predominate tastes and suggests cocktail recipes to complement them. In addition, Minnick spends some time busting bourbon’s myths, unraveling its mysteries, and exploring distiller secrets, disclosing the recipes you won’t find on a bottle’s label.